Hotel: A hotel is a location that offers its visitors lodgings, or sleeping quarters. Travelers and other paying visitors may or may not be served meals and other facilities by hotels. Resort: A resort is a type of hotel that provides relaxation and/or leisure to its guests. Resorts will almost always have lodging, in which case the area can be referred to as a "resort hotel." The resort concept is similar to that of a hotel, but with more accommodations, amenities, and activities. Difference between Hotel and Resort: Although hotels are better for singles and couples, resorts have a lot to offer children and adolescents. Keep in mind that a hotel is built to accommodate your sleeping needs. It's a place where people can stay and sleep. A hotel may or may not have meals and other services, so do your homework before making a decision you'll come to regret. Let's say you need to rent a hotel for a single night for business purposes. You do not need additional faci...